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Ikiru Andco.

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descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. Hmfs-910
Voilà, en ce moment on compose et notre chanson la plus avancée reste "When the pen shattered the ground", le groupe a mûri Death metal.
Voilà, JM sur la vidéo à composer le thème principal, on va devoir un peu le modifier pour des raisons rythmiques avec la basse et la batterie.

Voici le texte :
When the pen shattered the ground
Hope you just can do that.
Time fades,
You no longer want this weighs so heavy.. inside you ..
This burning , consumate your wombs.
There, were the perplexity and anxiety, led to death
Only you can get out.
So fuck that.

Tell them to leave, shows them that you're not weak.
You is lower than if you cling to others and you will .. develloped an addiction
You can not control yourself.
You're a puppet, manipulated by someone, their ideas, their dreams, their desires, you have to be there for them, but you alone .. and you spoil your life .. your fucking life.
Handled by the company, handled by your own body .. influenced by your past.
Find your way, like you, find you, keep you.
Do not loose you.

Lying on a hill, watching the sky,
Think of your end, think of your life.
You know that your end may happen at every second.
Fly, plunges you into the sky over the clouds, run, run ..
Escape yourself of that daily too dark and boring.
Some of your friends interpret this text as an incitement to suicide, this is an invitation to inner happiness ..
Tell me your fears, empty your heart .. Tell me, tell me.

Remember, you're alone, you are your only true friend.

Voilà je posterais des news, l'avancement etc..

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Excellent, juste excellent *bave* sauf quelques petits moments, comme les "solo" si peux appeler sa aussi, parce que je ne sais pas si se son des solos vu qu'il n y a pas d'autres instru :o) enfin les petits moments aiguë hap sinon c'est vraiment bien

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

je suis fan !!! c'est super bien vivement avec les autres instruments

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Ahhh bah avec mon clavier, la guitare de Louis, la basse de marcio et le scream bien bon + gros beat de batterie sa va tuer.

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

n'empeche... il joue bien bave

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Toi aussi <.<

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

N'empèche , elle a pas un poil de cul avancer depuis...

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Bon reste quelques trucs a pofiné mais sa reste trop bon *o*
il et doué sa ses sur c'est con que le son reste un p'tit peut pourave mais vive les ordi --'
(après ce n'est que mon avis perso mais a ne pas négligé j'mi connais assez l'air de rien xD)

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

On va avancer en Aout, parce que j'suis motivé au max, j'ai de l'expérience en composition et j'ai de put**** de idées.

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

*O* hâte de voir sa =D
(moi la musique c'est de famille presque tous jouent d'un instrument donc bon xD)

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Boarf, le son de la guitare est trop clean, c'est pas beau, j'te conseille d'acheter des pédales d'effets ou faire quelque chose, mais sinon c'est sympa la composition. :)

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Un peu plus de disto c'est sur que le son serait plus crade.

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

faudrait avoir une pédale comme celle la (mon frère a foutu mes 17 ans dedans --')

Spoiler :

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

Je dirait plus ça :
Digitech Death Metal
Boss Metal Core
Boss Metal Zone

descriptionHom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground. EmptyRe: Hom Much For Sex - When the pen shattered the ground.

La métal zone est très bien.
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